Truth or Fiction?

There was a time earlier in my lifetime when truth was a word that was never up for debate. It was up or down, good or bad, moral or immoral. Facts were facts and always fell on one side of the fence. The dividing line was clear. Untruths fell on the other side of the fence. The lines of demarcation have blurred.

Truth and fiction are diametrically opposed to one another. They are located in different sections of the library for a reason. They aren’t supposed to mingle or co-exist, except in comedy. They actually don’t get along very well in honest debate. Truth and fiction are mortal enemies.

In current day America we find ourselves in a place where facts have become irrelevant – especially if facts go against one’s viewpoint or conviction. Don’t dare point out facts about a story if you spot something that doesn’t sound right or you’ll be taking a perilous journey where you will be labeled, slandered and more.

When made up facts or “truth” are promoted (but are the opposite of what really happened) that’s actually called propaganda. Repetition of distorted facts (if shared often enough) eventually convince, persuade and deceptively sway the reader or hearer especially if they have no anchor of intellect.

Something alarmingly sinister occurs when events or incidents are portrayed (and then repeated) without that reporter of  “facts” has ANY first-hand knowledge of what really happened. Those repeated “facts” spread like wildfire in our society. Then zero truth stories are repeated in the “social world” and everyone becomes unhinged and angry. It’s anything BUT social.

Today I am fishing for an answer (honest and civil). How do we return to absolute truth in America?